Information about waxes from DEUREX
What is a wax?
Waxes are substances defined by their mechanical-physical properties. Their chemical composition and origin are different. A substance is defined as a wax if it:
- is kneadable at 20 °C,
- is solid to brittle,
- has a coarse to microcrystalline structure,
- is translucent to opaque,
- is not glassy,
- melts above 40 °C without decomposing,
- is slightly liquid (less viscous) just above the melting point,
- has a strongly temperature-dependent consistency and solubility,
- is polishable under slight pressure.
If more than one of the properties listed above are not fulfiled, the substance is not a wax as defined by the German Society for Fat Science (DGF standard method MI 1 (75)). Further information from our world of waxes can be found behind the info boxes below.