Sugar cane is a monocotyledonous plant with a typical grass-like appearance. The origin is in East Asia but today sugar cane is being cultivated in every climatically suitable region. The biggest countries are Brazil, India, China, Thailand, Pakistan and Mexico. Sugar cane wax is being extracted from the stalks of the sugar cane plant. To produce sugar, the sugary sap is being extracted from the plant. A by-product is the so-called bagasse. This filtration residue mainly consists of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. After having cleaned the bagasse from plant residues and chlorophyll, it can be used for the production of sugar cane wax.
Sugar cane waxes are probably the most sustainable waxes. They contain 100 % sugar cane and are therefore pure natural products. Since the raw material is the filter residue of the sugar cane production, no further natural resources are being used. The added value of sugar cane plants is being increased significantly.
BIOMERE, our biodegradable waxes, are available in a variety of delivery forms and dropping points.